I have used both the methods below to put result sets into a single variable. I will then use that variable as the message body to email the results to myself (or others).
Create Procedure DoSomethingEmailResult
I run a bunch of queried looking for data integrity issues, each result set I write into the following table.
declare @Problems table(
SiteId varchar(15) not null,
GenId int not null,
Alert varchar(max) not null,
ProblemDate datetime null default getdate(),
AlertLevel varchar(20) null
At the end, I want to email the results to myself because I am too lazy to go look for them.
This is how I get a multi-row table worth of results into a single variable. This becomes the body of my message.
select @result = coalesce(@result +
SiteId + char(9) +
cast(GenId as varchar) + char(9) +
alert + char(9) +
AlertLevel + '<br/><br/>','')
from @problems
Another query that I have used, but seems a bit more problematic
set @result = stuff(
SiteId + char(9) +
cast(GenId as varchar) + char(9) +
[Proc] + char(9) +
alert + char(9) +
cast(ProblemDate as varchar) + char(9) +
AlertLevel + '<br/><br/>'
from @ErrorTable
for xml Path(''), Type
).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 0, 1, '');
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